A loan helped to pay for her son's university tuition.

Tahmina's story

Tahmina is an educated, hardworking and enthusiastic woman from Tajikistan. She is 47 years old, widowed and has two children. She tries to work hard in order to provide them with the best conditions. She is an only parent who wants to provide a secure life for her children. She works and earns a living as a teacher. Her child studies at the university. She needs financial support in order to pay the tuition.

Tahmina is a returning borrower with a positive credit history. She is asking for a loan with Kiva’s partner IMON for the fifth time. This loan will help pay for her child’s university tuition so he can get a proper education and become a highly qualified specialist in the future. She really hopes for your financial support.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to access higher education.

Loan details

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