A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business and also helps her family during this difficult time.

Lositika's story

Lositika separated from her husband many years ago, leaving her their nine children to raise.

She provides for her children through weaving, and her eldest daughter is her main helper. Together they weave taovala, mats, and fihu, then sell them out to local and overseas buyers.

Lositika faces many challenges in raising her children alone, but she does not back down. She joins the SPBD loan program, finding financial support for her business to generate more income. She usually buys her pandanus (raw material from plants used for weaving), but her next plan is to plant her own pandanus trees in their backyard so that she will cut out the expenses of buying them.

In January, Tonga was awakened by the most destructive volcanic eruption, which triggered tsunamis to hit the islands, and also its ashes covered the surface of the land, causing dryness to green life. Businesses and livestock were affected by this.

Lositika applies for this rehabilitation loan to buy efficient pandanus for her weaving and also to help provide for her family during this hard time.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details